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The Chimes 🔔

Lesson 19 - Page 23



🙋🏻‍♂This is Dani from Fun-Keys and this is the note G 💜

Let's get started:

Today we are learning a new note for the left hand: G 💜

G 💜 is found to the left ⬅ of A 💗

We have C 💚 B 💛 A 💗 and with finger number 4 we play G 💜

G 💜 is written on the top space of the Bass Clef stave, like this:

👁 Let's look at the song The Chimes 🔔

  • The time signature is 3/4, that's 3 counts per bar 👏👏👏

  • We are going to use both hands today ✋🤚

  • The ✋ left hand is only going to play G 💜✋

  • This song has something we have never done before: playing 2 notes at the same time!

  • Take a look at the ending ↘ of the song: The notes 🎶 are aligned on the stave 🎼, so we have to play 🎹them at the same time, like this:

Are you ready? 1👏 2👏 3👏

☝🏼And that was your 1 minute lesson. ✋🏼Hey wait before you leave I have a question for you:

❓Which finger do we use to play G 💜?

Find the answer in the next lesson where we will practice playing the notes 🎶 we have learnt so far for both hands ✋🤚

Keep practicing, bye-bye👋🏼

😂 What has 40 feet 👣 and sings 🗣 ?

The school choir 👥

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