The Avengers Theme Tune - Week 2 Intermediate and Advanced
🎹 This week we are looking at the Avengers theme tune again in class!
🖐🏽 Focus on the right hand still, as we are recapping what we learnt last week.
👍 Aim to practise the first 4 bars as best as you can, so we can begin learning the left hand to eventually put together!
❗When practising watch out for the flats which crop up in the song.
🤔 In the key signature there are Bbs, and Ebs which are BELOW the notes, not above.
❗There is also a natural symbol, which means you DON'T play the flat, you play the normal note.
👍 Watch the video below to help you practise & understand!
🎶 Attached below is the fun sheet again, in case you missed last weeks!

Happy practising!
Lucy and the FunKeys team
👑 🎹 👑 🎹