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Recap Time! + BONUS

Hello Mums and Dads! ☺

We are approaching the end of our 14 week Spring term!

We have all worked really hard this term and the progress is impressive! 💫

This term has been focused on 'Mary Had a Little Lamb‘ and each week we have covered a different musical concept. 🎼

The subjects covered this term have been:

  • 2 Black Keys & 3 Black Keys

  • Right hand fingers💅

  • Left hand fingers

  • Pitch 🐉🐀

  • Finding E, D & C 💙❤💚

  • Musical Note Values 🎶

  • Rests 💤

  • Dynamics (loud and quiet)

  • Tempo (fast and slow)🐆🐢

Throughout the course your mini muses have been developing strength and flexibility in their tiny fingers, training their musical ear and igniting their creative imagination!

We will be using the new skills we have learnt to progress onto the next song! 🎹


Here is a short video recapping the subjects learnt and demonstrating Mary Had a Little Lamb and how it sounds once we put our new musical skills to use!

To download it and print it, right click on it and Save As...

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Have fun and do get in touch if you need any help.


See you next week with more practise tips from the team.

The Fun-Keys Team


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