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Pre-school Piano - Legato!

Hi parents and mini-musos,

We hope you had a lovely, music filled half term!

This week we are going to be looking at legato notes! Do you know what legato is? 🤔

🎹 Legato is when we play smoothly, joining all of our notes together. We can imagine a slithering snake crawling along the keys to help us achieve this.

🐍 Use the video with Sunita to help you practise playing your legato notes, with our friend the smooth snake! Watch him glide across the piano keys.

👍 We also have a fabulous fun sheet for you to practise drawing and spotting legato notes! Which ones are legato? Circle the legato notes to help you remember what they look like. 👁️

😆Happy practising! We can't wait to hear your legato songs in class. 👏

David and the Funkeys team



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