Learn "I Like to Move It, Move It" on Piano! 🎹
Hello everybody! Hope you've all had a fantastic summer! 😄
This is a very popular song that I've had a number of requests for - you might know it from the film Madagascar, it's 🎶 I Like to Move It, Move It! 🎶
🖐 🤚 This song can be quite tricky in places, and is a good way to test your coordination - playing with both hands together, at the same time!
😵💫 Don't worry if you're finding it difficult - try playing just the right hand!
❗️ Watch out for that Eb - there are no E notes in this song, only Eb!
🔄 Try repeating the chorus over and over until you are confident. Practice makes perfect!
👀 If it helps, you can follow along with the music here:

On Desktop computer - Right Click on it and Save As...
On Mobile Device - Tap on it and keep it pressed. Download Image.
🎬 Watch the video and download and print the Song Sheet. As we make these vids to help kids and parents, please do take the time and press the LIKE BUTTON and drop us a comment on our YouTube page, it lets us know you want to see more content. Don't forget a few minutes of practice goes a long way😊
See you next time, and keep practicing! 👋