Low, Middle & High
Hello kids, mums and dads! 😊
This is week 7 of the Autumn Course! We are half way through!
We have been learning about the different sounds 🎶
Did you know that the range of sounds low, middle and high is called pitch? Pitch is simply the quality of a sound and the range of highness or lowness of a certain tone.
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🎬 Watch Ana's clip 🐻🐻🐻 Our lovely Fun-Keys Bears show us how and where to find the pitch on the piano! On the left side of the keyboard is Grandpa Bear with the lowest voice, Sabrina Bear has a mid range voice and can be found right in the middle section of the keyboard. Baby Bear has the highest range voice standing on the right side. Can you find low, middle and high on your piano?
You can DOWNLOAD and print the Fun-sheet from here! On Desktop computer - Right Click on it and Save As...
On Mobile Device - Tap on it and keep it pressed. Download Image.
For those of you having a half term break, enjoy it! 🍭
Have fun and do get in touch if you need any help. Remember if you like what we do, subscribe to our YouTube channel. We make these clips for you to enjoy!
See you next week with more practise tips from the team.