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Music Theory: Paper 4 - C, D and E

Hello kids! 😃

Finally summer has come! We hope the sun is making you smile. We are really proud that you have finished Theory Papers 1, 2 and 3. Now get ready for PAPER 4. This week Dani will teach us about the notes C, D and E and will help us fill in Paper 4.📝

🎶 Dani is going to go through each question one by one. Feel free to pause the video to complete each exercise. Once you have answered the question, move on to the next section. Take your time with this paper. The higher the paper numbers, the more challenging the questions are. Don't worry! Dani will guide you through. If you still need some help, write to us on our blog and we will happily help you on your way to learn your musical theory. So let's get started! 👍

For this week's theory lesson we will learn:


  • Draw middle C's and middle D's as crotchets, minims and semibreves. You can draw six or more of each. If you don't remember how to draw the different notes, please look at the diagram on the top of the page. 🎹


  • Draw middle E's as crotchets, minims and semibreves.

  • Exercise 4 is a fun game when you connect the right notes to the right staff.


  • Exercise 5: Can you name the correct notes? Is it C, D or E? Is it a Crotchet, a Minim or a Semibreve?

  • Exercise 6: Draw the correct notes.

  • Exercise 7: Test your knowledge. Just tick or cross.


  • Look at the diagram on top of the page: Do you see which fingers we use for playing C, D and E? 1, 2 and 3. ✋

  • Write a finger number under each note. C is played with finger number 1, D with 2, and E with 3.

  • Time signature (4/4 or 2/4). Draw lines to divide the Staff into bars.

  • Make up your own song! Use C, D and E as Crotchets, Minims or Semibreves. Remember to draw the lines separating each bar according to the time signature.

Well done! You have finished Paper 4! 👍

Congratulations! We know that this is been a tough challenge and you are all being

SUPER STARS for getting this far. Stick with it! There's only 8 more to go and then we are going to reach Paper 12. We know you can do it!

Get in touch if you need help. Tell us what video clips you want and we will post them online next week. Make sure you subscribe to our You Tube channel and keep up to date with all our new and exciting material.


Best wishes from the Fun-Keys Team

Dani, Jay, Sunita, Prakash, Alex, Rachael, Ana and Holly and Phoebe

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