Pitch: Low, Middle and High notes
Pitch - what does it mean and do your kids care!
Well they may not know it yet - but they do. Kids can recognise different sounds such as the noises that lions, dogs and birds make. Understanding sound can help them determine high and low sounds and recognise the soundscape around them.
Watch Dani explain the all about low, middle and high sounds on the piano. He is ably helped by Jay's toys!
For adults - this works in pretty much the same way. Learning the high, low and middle sounds teaches us about the notes on the piano. If you want to play by ear, this is a great place to start by finding where the first note/s of a song are and then be an ear detective, and locate them. Try it out.
It takes a little time so practise and have fun with your piano. Ask your kids to find some toys and place them by the piano to help them with this piano game. If they have dinosaurs, place them near the low notes and mice near the high notes perhaps! This helps you to understand how Pitch sounds.
Read the description on the You Tube clips and have fun with your kids following the 'Little Bee Game.' Subscribe to our channel for weekly educational videos and let us know what clips you want us to make for you.
Scroll down and take a look at the free Funsheet. It shows you the Treble Clef. This is where the middle to high notes live. The Bass Clef is where the Low to Middle notes live. Learning about the clefs will help you read music and tell you what notes you to play.
Have fun and keep in touch. Send us your video clips so we can see how you are progressing.
Lots of love
Ana, Alex, Dani, Jay, Prakash, Rachael and Sunita
You can DOWNLOAD and print the Fun-sheet from here! On Desktop computer - Right Click on it and Save As...
On Mobile Device - Tap on it and keep it pressed. Download Image.